Dr Wayne Naude (Homeopath) offers Functional Medicine consultations.
Functional Medicine is the medicine of "why". The objective is to explore the reasons why disease and metabolic disorders arise and find what obstacles are preventing resolution. Treatments is then directed at resolving the core issues and drivers of disease, leading to sustainable solutions, enhanced health potential and longevity.
Consultation fee: R550
About Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine relies on a field of study termed systems biology. The basic idea is that the whole organism is comprised of a systems that co-operate with each other and support each other' functions. When a particular system's function starts to deteriorate, the functions of the dependent systems are also affected. This concept is important because it is quite different to the thinking that is done in conventional medicine where the objective is generally to diagnose a disease and then apply the standardized protocol to "treat" that disease. In Functional Medicine we try to interpret the symptoms of disease as to how they relate to, and are indicative of the state and activity of the various organs and systems of the body.
We consider 7 main "nodes" of system activity:
- Assimilation - related to the ability to break down and absorb nutrients and gasses. The relevant organs would the components of the gastrointestinal system (including gut flora) and respiratory system.
- Defense and repair - the activity of the immune system, including inflammation and infection responses. Also includes the ability of the gut microflora to influence immune system direction via programming
- Energy - the ability to produce sufficient ATP (biological fuel molecules) to run the cells processes at optimum levels
- Biotransformation and elimination - the ability to remove toxic metabolites and noxious substances from the cells, tissues, organs and systems.
- Transport - the ability to move things around the body - cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
- Communication - related to the endocrine and nervous systems as well as cytokines (cell signaling molecules)
- Structural integrity - The physical structures that form the body, from sub-cellular components and membranes all the way through to the musculoskeletal system, skin and physical organs.
The functional nodes are all interconnected, and dependent on each other. In addition the mental, emotional and spiritual activities of the person affect the function of these nodes.
Functional Medicine considers the predispositions (termed antecedents), triggers and perpetuators (mediators) of disease. If considers that if the obstacles in the way of normal function are removed, and the body is fully provisioned for its requirements, it will naturally move toward better health (and less disease).
As many of the reasons that modern man suffers premature degeneration and chronic disease are linked to lifestyle choices, Functional Medicine takes cognizance of lifestyle factors including diet, exercise, stress, sleep and relationships.
Functional Medicine practitioners sometimes uses sophisticated testing, well beyond that used in conventional medicine, in order to more fully understand problems with a patient's physiology. This may include:
- DNA testing (Nutrigenomic testing)
- Comprehensive stool analysis
- Urinary Organic acids
- Toxicity testing.
- There are actually a huge array of Functional tests available, mostly performed at overseas laboratories.