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Barley grass sprouting seeds 500g


Barley seeds can be sprouted indoors at any time of year. Grow sprouts in a position away from direct sunlight.

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Barley grass sprouting seeds 500g

Barley seeds can be sprouted indoors at any time of year. Grow sprouts in a position away from direct sunlight. Growing the sprouts in the dark will produce sweeter shoots than growing them in a brightly lit position. Rinse 3 tablespoons (approx 60ml / 30g) of seed in a sieve and remove any noticeably damaged or discoloured seeds.

  1. Organic Gardening:
    • Sprouting: Barley seeds can be easily sprouted without soil. Soak the seeds in water for several hours, then rinse them regularly until they develop tiny roots and shoots. These sprouts are nutrient-rich and can be added to salads, sandwiches, and smoothies.
    • Green Manure: When grown to a certain stage, barley can be turned into green manure by chopping it down and incorporating it into the soil. This enriches the soil with organic matter, improves soil structure, and adds nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus.
    • Cover Crop: Barley serves as a cover crop, protecting soil from erosion, suppressing weeds, and enhancing soil health. Its extensive root system prevents nutrient leaching and soil compaction while acting as a living mulch for other plants.
    • Composting: Whether as sprouts or mature plants, barley can be composted to create nutrient-rich compost for organic gardening.
  2. Livestock and Fodder Production:
    • Livestock Feed: Barley sprouts are highly nutritious for various animals, including cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry. They are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, making them an excellent supplement to traditional feed sources.
    • Hydroponic Fodder: Barley seeds can be hydroponically sprouted to produce consistent, high-quality fodder for livestock throughout the year, regardless of seasonal variations.


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