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Bullet Proof Ketogenic Coffee 400g


My Wellness Super Bulletproof Keto Coffee is a premium blend designed to enhance your morning routine.

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Bullet Proof Ketogenic Coffee 400g

My Wellness Super Bulletproof Keto Coffee is a premium blend designed to enhance your morning routine.


Feeling Full: Replacing your first meal with bulletproof coffee can leave you feeling fuller for longer.

Weight Loss: As part of a balanced diet, bulletproof coffee can aid in weight loss. The ketogenic diet, which relies on fat as the primary energy source, may help reduce fat stores.

Overall, Health: Grass-fed butter in bulletproof coffee contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which promotes weight loss.

These fats not only add richness to the coffee but also offer potential benefits such as sustained energy, increased satiety, and cognitive function support. Here’s a simple recipe for making Bulletproof Coffee:

  1. Brew a cup of high-quality coffee.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil and 2 tablespoons of Grass-Fed Ghee to the coffee.
  3. Blend everything together until you achieve a frothy, creamy texture.
  4. Enjoy your delicious and energizing Bulletproof Coffee!

Feel free to experiment with variations by adding other ingredients like cinnamon, salt, or even sugar.

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