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DNA – Derma-Psor 60 Vegicaps


Rejuvenates the Liver and helps to control Psoriasis and Acne.

6 in stock

SKU: DNA-009 Categories: , Tag:


DermaPsor is wonderful and appropriate for anyone who is under stress, uses alcohol, recreational drugs, prescription medications, or lives in today’s modern times of pesticides, environmental toxins, and pollution. Virtually every person in an industrial nation.

One of the special qualities of DermaPsor is that it cleanses and detoxifies an overburdened and stagnant liver while also being able to strengthen and tonify a weak liver; thus, delivering potent medicine to clogged, excess conditions as well as to weakened, deficient conditionals. One of the tasks of the liver is to cleanse the blood. If the liver energy is stagnant it will be unable to effectively cleanse the blood; this can result in skin problems ranging from acne to psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.

DermaPsor is a powerful herb for supporting the liver to purify the blood and is one of the best herbs for the skin disorders mentioned above. It is also effective for treating congestion of the kidneys, spleen, and pelvic region.

Each Dermapsor capsule contains:
Turmeric – 50mg
Oregano – 40mg
Artichoke – 50mg
Burdock – 40mg
Amla – 50mg
Dandelion – 50mg

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