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Gaia Organics – Bio-Shampoo 250ml


Coconut Oil Based Gentle Action Biodegradable Shampoo

1 in stock

SKU: GAIA-028 Categories: , Tags: ,


Directions: Wash with warm (not hot) water to prevent stripping of lubricating protective sebum. Avoid over-use in oily hair conditions. This may appear counter-intuitive, but shampooing less frequently and allowing the hair to remain slightly oily over a period of time, will in fact correct the over-production of sebum as the process adapts to the retentive presence of more sebum than previously. Follow with a lubricating sebum compensating and scalp protective acid mantle restoring Hair Conditioner from the selection below appropriate to hair type and condition.

purified rainwater; coconut cleanser; green tea extract; vegetable glycerine; expressed oil of lemon; thymol and essential oils of bergamot, rosemary & sage.

Paraben Free

Beauty Without Cruelty endorsed.

Vegan and Vegetarian compliant.