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Gaia Organics – E.F.A Cream, Dry/Eczematous Skin 50ml


Essential Fatty Acid Cream
Dry/Eczematous Skin

2 in stock

SKU: GAIA-017 Category: Tags: ,


Essential Fatty Acids
This formula concentrates on lipidic penetration of the essential fatty acids.
For weeping or infected (inflamed) lesions, first apply Comfrey Healing Balm, a water-soluble formula, to sterilise and accelerate healing, without which improvement, attempts at balancing the E.F.A. derangements may not fully resolve the condition.

Wash the affected area with warm water and dry with clean paper towel or under natural sunlight for deep sterilisation. Lightly apply E.F.A. Cream. Dietary Reform. Eliminate as much plant oil and animal fat products from the diet as possible, especially fries and shortenings such as biscuits and pastries. All oils and fats compete for assimilation. Acquire a “first pressing of the day” refrigerated cold-pressed Flax Seed oil and consume ½ teaspoon daily (away from other oils, hot foods & oxidisers) for 2-3 weeks to correct Omega 3 deficiencies and build up reserves and thereafter 15-20 drops a day on a low oil/fat diet to maintain these.

A specially formulated low oxidation-potential aqueous cream base; green tea extract; cold-pressed Flax & Evening Primrose oils; Vitamins A, C & E and essential oils of Lavender*, Tea Tree, Patchouli & German Chamomile.

*organically sourced.

Paraben free.

Beauty Without Cruelty endorsed.

Vegetarian and Vegan compliant.