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Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Refill Tablets 180


Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Refill Bag 180 Tablets is a 100% nature-based supplement that contains phytonutrients and vital antioxidants.

3 in stock



Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Refill Bag 180 Tablets is a 100% nature-based supplement that contains phytonutrients and vital antioxidants.

  1. Boosts Immunity: Spirulina is known to support the immune system. These tablets provide essential nutrients that contribute to optimal immune function.
  2. Energy Boost: If you’re feeling low on energy, Marcus Rohrer Spirulina can help. It provides a natural energy boost, which can be especially beneficial during periods of fatigue or recovery after illness.
  3. Muscle Protection: The antioxidants in Spirulina may help protect muscles during exercise, making it a great addition for active individuals.
  4. Bioavailable Iron: Spirulina is a source of highly bioavailable iron, which is essential for overall health.


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