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Pegasus – Arthritis & Gout 30c


A homeopathic remedy for acute inflammatory joint pain

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EAN: 6009684280252 SKU: AP-00050 Categories: , ,


Pegasus – Arthritis & Gout 30c

A homeopathic remedy for acute inflammatory joint pain including arthritis, gout, sciatica and rheumatism.

Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy

Apium graveolens 6c – Rheumatic pain. ‘Growing pains’.

Bryonia 200c – Joints red, swollen and hot. Knees stiff and painful, worsened by the least movement. Better for application of heat as well as pressure or binding up the joint. Weariness and heaviness in all limbs. Pins and needles in the soles hinder walking, with cracking in hip joints. Acute inflammation of toe joints.

Causticum 30c – Burning rheumatic pain in joints, hands and arms, stiffness in ankles. Better for warmth, especially the heat of bed. Restless legs at night with cramps in calves, feet, toes and Achilles tendon. Frozen shoulder, writers’ cramp.

Colchicum 30c – Specifically beneficial in relieving gouty attacks, especially of the small joints, which are hot, red swollen and painful. These pains are worse in the evening and for any touch or motion.

Gnaphalium 30c – Excellent sciatic nerve remedy, where alternating numbness and intense pain occur. Cramps in calves & feet in bed. Rheumatic pain in ankles and legs ‘as though they lack oil’.

Ledum palustre 3x – Rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends. Swollen ankles & ball of big toes. Pain in joints worse for alcohol, movement and at night. Limbs are numb and ‘fall asleep’.


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