Pegasus – Sting 30c
A homeopathic remedy for stinging and burning sensations. It treats the acute symptoms of insect stings & bites e.g. bee, wasp, jellyfish or bluebottle sting, spider bites.
The remedy is also helpful for mosquito bites and flea bites & sand flea bites from sand pits.
Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy
Apis mellifica 30c – Symptoms include pinkish swelling, stinging, burning and itching sensations associated with stings on the skin, eyes, face and throat (including constriction). Can be used in individuals sensitive to bee stings.
Arnica montana 30c – Tingling, itchy, burning skin after insect bites or stings, where skin is hot, hard, shining and swollen. Tissue degeneration and septic conditions. Skin is painful and sensitive.
Hypericum perforatum 30c – Known as “Arnica of the nerves”. Skin sensitive to the touch with tingling, intense itching and nerve pain. Useful for puncture wounds from insect bites/stings.
Pulex irritans 30c – Prickly, itchy sore spots e.g. flea bites.
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