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Prime Self – PQQ 10mg 60 Caps


PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Disodium) is a small molecule (once thought to be a vitamin) that mainly aids mitochondrial health.

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PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Disodium) is a small molecule (once thought to be a vitamin) that mainly aids mitochondrial health. It does this via its actions as a REDOX agent; meaning it is capable of reducing oxidants and then being recycled by glutathione back into an active form again and again. It is thus considered to be a strong antioxidant and neuroprotective agent.

Studies and reports indicate that PQQ may:

  • Improve Memory, Reasoning & Be Neuroprotective
  • Reduce Inflammation & Free Radical Damage
  • Create New Mitochondria Via PGC-1a
  • Increase Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Within The Brain

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