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ShopCollagen – Peptiplus Pure Granulated Collagen 200g


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body.

4 in stock


Granulated | Pure Collagen | Hydrolysate

Recommended dosage: 10g – 20g per day


Directions: Mixed into coffee, smoothies, yogurt, cereal, soups and stews


Hypoallergenic – Preservative Free – Dairy Free – Sugar Free – Fat Free – Gluten Free – Halaal


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. Almost a third of the total protein in your body is collagen. It is the key structural component in skin, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, vascular and digestive systems and is a very important element in muscle, bones, hair, eyes and teeth.



Collagen peptides are made by breaking down the triple helix structure of natural animal collagen into shorter chains of amino acids by introducing hydrogen and oxygen through a process called hydrolysis. These short chains of amino acids are called peptides. The product is then spray dried or agglomerated to create a fine powder, suitable for convenient addition to a wide range of food and beverages.



The short chains of amino acids are much more bio-available than native collagen material, meaning that your body can absorb and process them much faster and more completely. On absorption, these peptides trigger increased collagen production in your body and provide the essential ingredients required for this process. This is particularly important in adults who, after the age of about 25, progressively create less collagen than is needed just to keep pace with the body’s natural requirement for biological replacement. Dietary supplementation with collagen peptides has been scientifically proven to help boost the body’s production of new collagen. This is important if you want to keep your body in peak condition and stay strong, flexible, mobile and beautiful.



The body’s collagen production begins to decrease as we age. This natural process is responsible for some of our most obvious signs of aging such as wrinkles, sagging skin and joint pains. Collagen-related ailments are often caused by a combination of genetic defects, low intake of collagen-rich foods, nutritional deficiencies and digestive problems which can affect the body’s ability to synthesize collagen. Other lifestyle determinants such as high sugar intake, smoking and excessive sun exposure can also contribute to the depletion of collagen levels and leave us feeling and looking quite a bit older than we should.

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