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Solgar – Vision Guard Plus 60 Vegicaps


• Unique Antioxidant formula with Vitamin C plus Bilberry, Ginkgo and Lutein
• Combination of several vitamins and minerals
• Minimises damage caused by free radicals
• Vegan, Vegetarian
• Free from sugar, salt and starch

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Solgar® Vision Guard Plus is an antioxidant formula containing several vitamins and minerals to assist in minimising the damage caused by free radicals.

Free radicals are produced by the body when you breathe, digest food, exercise or even sleep. They are naturally occuring as they are created by emotional stress, ultraviolet light, radiation and air pollution. Free radicals damage the body by causing deterioration of the cells, lowering the defences against diseases and putting the body into a ‘stress’ state.

To counter the effect of free radicals, a balance of antioxidants is required. The most important antioxidants include: Beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium and components found in certain plants including Turmeric, and Ginkgo Biloba.

Antioxidants can be obtained by eating a healthy and balanced diet, but taking a supplement might be desirable to achieve an optimal intake of antioxidants.

The special Solgar® Vision Guard Plus formula combines the botanical Ginkgo Biloba with Vitamins C, A and E, alongside minerals such as Zinc and Selenium, all of which have strong antioxidant qualities, plus Bilberry and Lutein.