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Superfoods – Organic Goji Berries 200g


Certified Organic Antioxidant Superfood.

4 in stock

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It is said in China that eating a handful of Goji Berry fruit each day will make one happy for the entire day. Such a practice has a cumulative effect. Eventually, you can’t stop smiling! The Goji Berry has been highly regarded for centuries a s a foremost nutritional and botanical medicine in China.

Here’s what eating gojis daily and adding all those extra nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, anti-oxidants etc can mean for you:

* A healthy and strong immune system
* Increased energy levels
* Weight loss (it’s a cellulite busting berry!)
* Balanced blood sugar levels
* More youthful skin
* A sex drive boost
* Maintained healthy blood pressure
* A healthy nervous system
* Improved eye sight and hearing
* Lower cholesterol
* Healthy liver function
* Protection against many cancers
* Protection against heart disease
* Strong bones and tendons
* Enhanced fertility

So, are you ready to raise your vibration, smooth out your wrinkles and add some goji glow to your cheeks?

Superfoods Goji Berries are of the highest grade and quality worldwide and are certified
to have been grown organically – free from any chemicals.

Goji Berries have a unique, slightly sweet, cranberry/raisin like taste. Eat Goji’s by themselves as
a dried fruit snack or mix them with nuts, seeds and cacao nibs to make your own snack mix.
Try adding them to your smoothies, salads or muesli. Children love to snack on Gojis!

The typical daily intake range suggested by Chinese herbalists is between 8 and 30 grams per day.
About 10 – 15 grams (a small handful) of the fruit should be eaten daily as maintenance