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The Real Thing – Barley Grass 200g


The purest, 100% organic whole-leaf grass powders. Additives, binders and bulking agents not included.

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WHEAT GRASS OR BARLEY GRASS: What’s the difference?

It’s like comparing apples with apples. Or maybe a red apple with a green one. As you look from the can of Wheat Grass to the can of Barley, you’re probably asking yourself which is better, or at least which is better for you.

  • The short answer: it doesn’t matter.
  • The other short answer: it’s totally up to you.
  • The slightly longer answer: Our Wheat Grass and Barley Grass Powders are very similar in purity, quality, nutritional status and fibre content. The only real difference is in the taste – some prefer Wheat Grass and others Barley. It’s like some people prefer red apples and others green. They’re both apples. Like our grasses are both The Real Thing.


We keep it real by keeping things simple. That means we leave out more than we put in. Simply put, our grasses are…

  • 100% organically farmed
  • Pesticide-, chemical- and poison-free
  • Free of all additives, binding and bulking agents, including maltodextrin, binders, fillers, preservatives, colourants and flavourants.

FACT: The Real Thing Wheat and Barley Grass are 33 times more concentrated than the plants themselves. You’d need 7kg of grass to get the nutrients found in just one can. The choice is yours.

The Real Thing cereal grass supplements are ultra-pure, additive-free and 100% organic. Plus, no bulking agents, chemicals, pesticides and preservatives means you get even more easily absorbed nutrients and antioxidants like chlorophyll.

They’re made from the whole grass plant. So these wholesome whole-leaf powders contain the wheat and barley grass’ juicy nutrients along with its insoluble fibre. That’s why they’re more affordable, and ideal for people with gastrointestinal conditions or those who need a high-fibre diet.


Bellbottoms. Hula-hoops. Wheat grass. Three big trends that took root in the 60s. That’s when health guru and raw-foodist Ann Wigmore formed the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida. And that’s when she started treating a range of conditions with fresh wheat grass juice on-tap.

These days wheat, barley and alfalfa grasses come in more convenient and longer-lasting powder form. But the powdering process can compromise quality and purity. Unless they’re The Real Thing.

BACKGROUND: Why you need green stuff

Green means go. But it also means grow. Why? Because, whether they’re found on the land or in the water, growing greens are full of good things like vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and the antioxidant chlorophyll. Some call them “superfoods”. Others call them “superfuels”. Either way, they’re super.


It’s good news for spinach fans (if they really exist). Research suggests that eating green vegetables every day does boost health. But it’s not so simple.

  • Most of us don’t get enough. According to an AC Nielsen poll conducted in 2004 in the US, over 85% of people don’t eat the recommended daily amount of fresh fruit and vegetables. Over 85%! That means too many people are getting too few nutrients.
  • Most of our foods aren’t nutritious enough. Pollution. Urbanisation. Over-farming. Industrialisation. Imagine what these side-effects of modern life do to our soil, air and water sources. And imagine what this means for the plants and vegetables growing in our soil and under our water. Basically it means they are nutritionally short-changed. And, even if you eat a balanced diet, so are you.

FACT: US dietary guidelines released in 2005 say the average adult should be eating 200 to 300% more dark green vegetables. Easier said than done. Either triple your intake or take the right supplement.


If the grass on the other side really is greener, it’s probably due to more chlorophyll.

What? Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes green things green.

Why? It plays a key role when plants use sunlight to make sugars for fuel. Biology flashback: that’s called photosynthesis.

So what? Take a leaf out of a leaf’s book and reap the benefits of chlorophyll. It’s one of nature’s most potent antioxidants and has been found to help…

  • Neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and cause tissue ageing
  • Prevent inflammation
  • Manage bacterial infections
  • Promote tissue growth and repair
  • Counter the effects of radiation
  • Chelate and clear heavy metals
  • Detoxify the liver
  • Boost red blood cells and oxygenation – chlorophyll is very similar in structure to the oxygen-carrying haemoglobin molecule in red blood cells.

FACT: Chlorophyll derivatives have been found to have the same or more antioxidant activity than well-known antioxidant, vitamin C. The message? A high chlorophyll intake can help counter the tissue ageing and disease that’s caused by free radical attack. Bring on the greens.


  • They’re grown at high altitudes in rich, volcanic soil that’s full of nutrients
  • They’re watered from mineral springs and only harvested when they reach the peak of nutrition
  • They are totally pesticide- and poison-free
  • The farming process is 100% organic


It’s been 20 years since Japanese scientist, Dr Yoshida Hagiwara, pioneered a drying method for barley grass using a binding agent called maltodextrin. Until today, most cereal grass supplements still contain maltodextrin, or bulking agents like kelp or brown rice, which “dilute” the really good stuff.

Clearly this method is well past its sell-by date. So The Real Thing grasses are produced with no binding, bulking or diluting agents whatsoever. They’re totally pure and maximally nutritious.

  • No maltodextrin
  • No kelp, brown rice or any other bulking agents
  • No binders or fillers
  • No preservatives
  • No flavourants
  • No colourants
  • No other additives. Whatsoever.

A BIT OF DETAIL: Why grasses are good for you


What? Cereal grasses are seriously nutritious. And they seriously are called “nature’s multinutrients”. This is because they’re full of beneficial bits and pieces.

Like what?

  • Light-weight vegetarian protein
  • A range of vitamins, including beta-carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C and the B vitamins
  • Various minerals, including calcium and iron
  • Folic acid
  • Dietary fibre
  • Antioxidants like chlorophyll and the carotenoids, including beta-carotene
  • Digestive enzymes that help counter the ageing process
  • Alkalinisers to help normalise the body’s pH.


What? Eating green vegetables every day is a good investment. And research suggests that the good return comes in the form of all-round better health.

Like what?

  • Increased energy and mental focus
  • Fewer infections
  • Healthy blood pressure
  • Balanced blood sugar levels
  • Reduced incidence of chronic conditions, such as diabetes.

GRASS POWDER OR JUICE POWDER: What’s the difference?

What? The Real Thing Wheat Grass and Barley Grass are so-called whole-leaf powders. They’re different from The Real Thing Barley Grass Juice Powder, but also similar. Like twins, the non-identical kind.

Why? The difference is mainly due to how the powders are made.


It’s called whole-leaf powder because the whole leaf is dried and milled into a powder. Clearly. This means our Wheat Grass Powder and Barley Grass Powder contain both the grass plants’ rich juices and their insoluble fibre. That’s what makes these supplements ideal for people with gastrointestinal conditions, or the need for a high-fibre diet. That’s also what makes them more affordable.


More nutritious grass juice and less pulpy fibre. In short, that’s what differentiates Barley Grass Juice Powder from Wheat or Barley Grass Powder. In long, the difference is that, instead of using the whole leaf, the concentrated juice is extracted from the barley grass and then dried into a nutrient-dense powder. Because the fibrous bits are left behind, Juice Powder is great for people who want a more potent multinutrient.

FACT: Each of The Real Thing grass supplements is a heavy-hitting multinutrient. The difference? Barley Grass Juice Powder hits you with more nutrients and Wheat or Barley Grass Powder with more healthy fibre. Either way, it’s a hit worth having.

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