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Vida Heal -Pain Bone Muscle Therapy 160g


Pain Bone Muscle Therapy 160g is designed to address discomfort related to both bone and muscle issues.



Pain Bone Muscle Therapy 160g is designed to address discomfort related to both bone and muscle issues.

Causes: Bone pain can arise from various factors, including:

Osteoporosis: A condition where bones become thin, weak, and brittle due to calcium and vitamin D deficiency. It often remains asymptomatic until fractures occur.

Fractures: These result from injuries, such as falls, sports accidents, or road incidents.

  • Symptoms: Bone pain tends to be sharp, and more debilitating. It may include severe back pain, loss of height, and stooped posture.
  • Treatment: Early diagnosis of osteoporosis is crucial. Treatment involves medications to slow bone loss,  exercise, and a balanced diet.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional if you have persistent or severe muscle pain. They can guide you on the best approach for your specific situation.


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