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Vitaforce Tonzolyt 100 tabs N:777579006


Tonzolyt by Vitforce is a homeopathic formulation that helps treat acute and chronic tonsillitis.

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EAN: 6002570941978 SKU: AP-00022 Category: Tag:


Vitaforce Tonzolyt 100 tabs

Tonzolyt by Vitaforce is a homeopathic formulation that helps treat acute and chronic tonsillitis. It also helps stop the infection from spreading to your ears and chest. This product contains no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives, and is free from egg, gluten, yeast, salt and caffeine.

Vitaforce Tonzolyt is a homeopathic formulation designed to help with tonsillitis. Purpose: Vitaforce Tonzolyt is specifically formulated to address both acute and chronic tonsillitis, as well as sore throats.

  1. Infection Prevention: It also helps prevent infection from spreading to the ears and chest.
  2. Suitability: Vitaforce Tonzolyt is suitable for both adults and children.


  1. Belladonna (D4): Helps fight infections that may cause enlarged tonsils, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing.
  2. Calc phos (D4): Aids in easing pain.
  3. Hepar sulph (D4): Supports the treatment of sore throats and glandular swelling.
  4. Kali bichromat (D4): May assist with pain relief.
  5. Kali muriaticum (D4): Another ingredient that helps ease pain.
  6. Merc biniodid (D10): Soothes a sore throat and glandular swelling.


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