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OhMega – 100 % Pure Peanut Butter – Smooth (400g, 750g)


100% Pure Peanut butter and nothing else.

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OhMega Peanut Butter is both delicious and healthy. Made from dry-roasted crushed peanuts, its free of the hydrogenated fats, salt, and sugar found in most commercial peanut butters. Aside from its wonderful taste, our peanut butter is a great source of protein and essential fatty acids, and is great on toast, in smoothies, with fruit and cereal or simply on its own by the spoonful.

Ohmega Peanut butter can be used as a spread, baking ingredient, in smoothies, or straight out of the jar.

Country of Origin: Manufactured in South Africa

Typical Nutritional Information

PER 100g

Energy 2,456 kJ
Protein 24.4 g
Total Fats 49.7 g
Saturated 7.7 g
Trans fats 0 g
Glycaemic carbohydrate 13.4g
of which total sugar 4.9g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Total Sodium 6mg
Dietary Fiber 8.4 g

Additional information


400g, 750g