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Nanuki Space Rocks – Munchy Meteorites 120g


Chocolatey Oats, Coconut and Biscuit Clusters in Dark Chocolate.

8 in stock

SKU: NT-0330 Category: Tags: , ,


Chocolatey Oats, Coconut and Biscuit Clusters in Dark Chocolate.

Ingredients: date syrup, coconut, gluten free oats, cocoa mass, coconut oil, biscuit (coconut flour, date syrup, flaxseed, rice flour, hemp hearts), cocoa butter, organic coconut sugar, organic spirulina, organic lucuma, organic mesquite

Nutritional information: per serving: (approx 10g)

Energy: 209kJ

Protein: 0.8g

Glycaemic Carbohydrates: 4g

Of which sugar: 4g

Fat: 3g

Of which saturated : 2.5g

Dietary fibre: 0.4

Total Sodium: 3mg

Free from gluten, dairy, soy, preservatives, refined sugar and nuts. They are school safe and vegetarian.